How Alcohol Affects Mental Health

Alcoholism and Mental Health

Drinking one or two glasses of wine or beer can somehow give you that relaxing effect you need for a tiring day at the office. These are the notable short-term impacts of alcohol, yet if you continue to uncontrollably consume it, then you’re at risk of its long-term adverse effects.

This depressant is known to impact your mental health where it is frequently associated with depression and memory loss. Before you drown yourself in alcohol, think twice about the detrimental effects it can bring to your brain and body.

Can Alcohol Lead To Mental Health Problems?

When you heavily drink alcohol, it has a strong tendency to disrupt your brain chemicals, thereby, leading to signs of psychiatric disorders. This substance is known to alter mood and behavior, and one evidence is alcohol-induced depression. Therefore, it’s no longer surprising to see patients with alcoholism also diagnosed with mental disorders.

If a person has acute intoxication with alcohol, he will feel its euphoric effect. However, if he heavily drinks, that intensely changes his mood making him feel more irritable and nervous. Also, this substance has the property to inhibit sound judgment, which pushes someone to be more aggressive and unreasonable.

How To Determine Brain Damage Due To Alcohol?

If you have low alcohol tolerance, then you can quickly see its adverse brain effects after one to three drinks. Some of these noticeable signs are slurred speech, slow body coordination, memory loss, and slower responses to stimuli.

Long-term side effects are more evident for people who excessively drink for a longer time. This worsens when that person takes in huge volumes of alcohol. Here are some of the serious brain damages brought about by alcoholism:

Blackouts and Memory Loss

Mental HealthWhen you consume drinks quickly or on an empty stomach, you are likely to suffer a blackout. This scenario usually happens to social drinkers where they binge on weekends. Around 51 percent of these drinkers experience a blackout once in their life, while 40 percent of them have it every year.

The danger of blackout is when you suddenly fall and your head bumps to a hard surface. This can cause serious head trauma, or worse is internal bleeding. Also, sexual abuse is common among individuals who lose consciousness during their drinking sessions.

Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

This disease is caused by the depletion of thiamine in the brain due to excess alcohol consumption. There are two types of this condition: Wernicke’s encephalopathy and Korsakoff’s psychosis.

  • Wernicke’s encephalopathy is a short-term brain disorder where a person experiences confusion, loss of body coordination, and inability to move your eyes. Not all three symptoms will be felt by the patient, but he will be having a difficult time finding his way out of the room due to confusion.
  • Korsakoff’s psychosis is the worst long-term brain dysfunction caused by alcoholism. Around 80-90 percent of people having Wernicke’s encephalopathy develop this condition where the prominent sign is memory loss and inability to properly walk. Also, that person will experience a learning disability.

Damaged Cerebellum

These two brain disorders are rooted in a damaged cerebellum due to excess alcohol in the brain. This part of the brain is responsible for the control of your muscle movement and coordination. At the same time, learning ability is also found in the cerebellum, that’s why a person experiences a slow learning pattern when he is a heavy drinker.

What Other Brain Parts Are Affected By Alcohol?

Besides the cerebellum, alcohol alters other sections of your brain, which causes an abrupt change in your mood, thinking, and behavior. Here are other brain parts impacted by alcohol:

  • Hypothalamus: This part is responsible for the balance in body hormones. Too much alcohol disrupts hormonal balance, which can lead to increased sexual arousal but with the decreased physical ability to do so.
  • Cerebral Cortex: This is the central processing unit responsible for our ability to make sound judgments and analyses. Alcohol disrupts this function, thereby causing slowed response and confusion.
  • Hippocampus: This part is responsible for your memory function. Alcohol can damage this part and then lead to blackouts and short-term memory loss.
  • Medulla: This part is responsible for controlling automatic body functions that are vital for survival. A person who suffers from alcoholism will have depressed breathing and heart rate since their medulla is damaged.

How does Alcohol Induce Anxiety Disorder?

Mental HealthOur body has its natural way of relaxing through brain hormones like serotonin and dopamine. If you want an external way to relax, that’s when you drink alcohol. To some extent, it does help you relax and calm down, however, if you excessively drink, then you’ll build a tolerance to its de-stressing effects.

A heavy drinker becomes more dependent on alcohol to let his brain and body relax, so as soon as the alcohol wears off, anxiety strikes. This is called alcohol-induced anxiety disorder, which is similar to depression problems for drinkers.

If you are suffering from this condition, then it’s best if you have an early alcohol rehab treatment. The more you let this linger, the harder it is to treat.

Can Alcohol Kill Your Brain Cells?

Mental HealthHave you heard about brain shrinkage when you drink too much alcohol? This is true since excess alcohol can cause your hippocampus to shrink, and this leads to decreased memory and reasoning function. However, is it true that alcohol can kill your brain cells?

The answer is no, but it does have long-term detrimental impacts on your brain. Some of these notable impacts are blackouts, confusion, inability to move your eyes, and walking normally.

Seek Early Treatment from Reliable Alcohol Rehab Centers

The cases of alcoholism in the U.S. are rampant since people use it as a means to socialize and get off with stress. Unfortunately, you can never guarantee that you won’t excessively drink, especially when your peers pressure you, or your depressive situation moves you to do so.

The best way to recover from alcohol use disorder is to enroll in an alcohol rehab treatment. You can find many reliable centers online, and you can even ask for a referral from your doctor or addiction specialist.

Take that bold step towards your treatment and embrace the challenge of getting back your healthy life.

Will I Experience Withdrawal From Hydrocodone Addiction?

Hydrocodone Addiction

If someone you know is thinking about quitting the habit of excessively using this substance, the best advice you could give to that person is to never do it all by themselves. It is highly recommended to seek professional help to fully recover from addiction.

Withdrawal symptoms from opioid abuse can be severe, so you will need a doctor for your detoxification and treatment. Recovering from substance use disorder is never easy, yet you have a higher chance if you avail treatment from a rehab center.

What Happens Upon Withdrawal?

Hydrocodone AddictionOnce a person prolongs the use of the substance or takes it in excessive amounts, the mechanism of the substance penetrates the brain until it stops functioning normally and becomes dependent on the drug.

When a person abruptly ceases in taking the usual dosage, the brain will have difficulty coping with the absence of the substance. In return, it makes the body experience feelings that are totally opposite to what the substance gives.

As the drug offers the body a sense of euphoria, the absence of the substance will trigger mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. When the person feels relieved from the drug, it is likely for the person to feel fatigued and insomnia when the usual dose is missed.

What Are The Withdrawal Symptoms?

Withdrawal happens either when the usual dose is diminished or when intake is suddenly stopped. The brain’s natural producer of pleasurable feelings fails to function without the usual amount of the substance and in return, exhibits the following withdrawal symptoms.

Initial Symptoms

These symptoms are likely to occur within the first 24 hours after the last dose. It is important to understand that as simple as forgetting to take your scheduled dosage will not exempt you from experiencing withdrawal discomfort. The following can be initially experienced in as fast as 6 hours and up to 12 hours from the last dose.

Unusual excretion

This can manifest by excessively sweating or tearing up the eyes. Oftentimes, this could also come with a runny rose.


The body is unable to experience a good rest and becomes usually tired. This could bring body pain and muscular spasms. Most likely, the person will have trouble sleeping and experience excessive yawning.


A surge of anxiety is also likely to happen. The person will usually feel restless and not at peace.

Chronic Symptoms

Any person can encounter any of the following symptoms for weeks, months, or up to years. Usually, the symptoms will reach their peak at up to 72 hours. When you undergo detoxification without the guidance of medical personnel, you are likely to have a relapse since no one can look after you.

The degree of discomfort brought by the following symptoms may also vary. It will depend on how long a person has been using the substance as well as how much dosage has the person been taking in a period. A person’s history of substance addiction is also a factor.

Here are the chronic symptoms to deal with upon withdrawal from the substance:

Irregular heart rate and high blood pressure

Check your heart rate and blood pressure from time to time. A rise from the normal line is expected upon withdrawal. This could bring serious complications later on if left unattended.

Visual problems

This includes dilated pupils and blurry vision. Dizziness and vomiting are likely to accompany these symptoms.

Abdominal cramps and Diarrhea

Vomiting could accompany these symptoms so it is best to always guard yourself against dehydration.

Feelings of uneasiness

Goosebumps and chills could commonly occur in the process. Sometimes, night sweats are also likely to happen.

When a person is in the process of substance withdrawal, certain mental disorders are inevitable. Expect mood swings, depression, and suicidal thoughts to occur. That is why it is highly recommended to never be alone upon withdrawal. Professional help is a must.

Why Is Professional Help Necessary

Hydrocodone AddictionProfessionals can easily tell if you are suffering withdrawal symptoms from abusing opioids. But it is never a good thing to underestimate them as you might regret doing so once the symptoms start to sink in.

There are three things to expect about these symptoms. One, they could be tough and unbearable. Two, they could subside for a while, and then the craving for the drug returns. And three, they could make one suffer long term.

This tells you that you cannot be sure of what will be the severity of your symptoms. For your welfare, it is safe that you enroll in an inpatient detox treatment plan since you will have 24-hour medical assistance in case the symptoms become severe.

What is Hydrocodone Detox

If you want a higher chance of recovery, you need to enroll in an inpatient detox plan. Many available professional treatment providers cater to individuals who aspire to live a more meaningful life and embrace a healthy and drug-free lifestyle. Don’t hesitate to contact one now!

Additionally, here are two things that are mostly included when you undergo hydrocodone detoxification.

Management of Withdrawal Symptoms

Hydrocodone AddictionTo prevent severe withdrawal symptoms, physicians would usually taper off the dosage given to users. By gradually lowering the dosage, the body is given time to readjust its function until it recovers from dependence. However, this would hardly work for users who are suffering from substance addiction.

By working with professional healthcare treatments, clinicians may provide patients with medicines to help them manage withdrawal symptoms caused by addiction. These medications act on the body by deceiving the brain that it is still taking the same substance. The doses are carefully controlled until the body is completely cleared from the substance.


With substance addiction, rehabilitation is necessary. This can be in-patient rehabilitation or out-patient rehabilitation. If your hydrocodone addiction is severe, we recommend that you enroll for a personalized detox and treatment program from a reputable rehab center.

Disregarding rehabilitation which includes behavior modification programs, counseling and therapies will only lead to addiction relapse. Aiming for a full recovery entails enrolling and committing to a minimum of six months of rehabilitation.

Will I Experience Withdrawal From Gabapentin Addiction?

Gabapentin Addiction

If you have been excessively using this drug for recreation, it is most likely that your body could develop physical dependence. Once this happens, you will have a high chance of experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you suddenly stop or lessen your intake.

Physical dependence is when your body only functions normally with the presence of the drug in your system. Many factors could affect the level of withdrawal symptoms that you may experience once you decide to stop relying on the product.

Reading about how to manage the process of Gabapentin withdrawal along with addiction is a good step towards making your life better. Let’s read more about the next big step you could take.

What factors affect the level of Gabapentin withdrawal symptoms?

It’s a prescription drug that must be taken with the close supervision of your physician. It is very important that you divulge all your pre-existing ailments to your healthcare provider so that you will be given the minimum required dosage possible. This could lessen the process of managing your withdrawal later on.

Despite religiously following the prescription of your physician, you may still experience symptoms of withdrawal. However, the level of the symptoms may vary with those who have been excessively using it for recreational purposes.

The following are the factors that affect the level of withdrawal symptoms you may experience as you taper off the use of this medicine:

  • Gabapentin AddictionHow many doses have you been using?

People who have been taking high doses of this drug may have a greater tendency to experience severe withdrawal symptoms.

  • How long have you been using it?

People who have been chronically using it may be more dependent on the drug and may experience severe withdrawal symptoms.

  • What medical conditions do you have while taking this medicine?

If you use it to treat seizures, expect a more frequent seizure activity as you gradually stop taking it.

  • Are your genes prone to low tolerance towards withdrawal?

If a low tolerance towards withdrawal runs in your genes, then you are to experience a different level of withdrawal symptoms.

  • How did you stop taking it?

Slowly tapering off the use of this medicine, instead of abruptly stopping it, may prevent the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms.

What are the symptoms of Gabapentin withdrawal?

Withdrawal symptoms are most likely to occur after 12 hours of changing your intake – either you suddenly lessened the dose or you completely stopped taking it.

To avoid complications, it is advisable to seek medical advice once you take the step to withdrawing from using it. The following are signs you can expect to occur as soon as the withdrawal begins:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Changes in appetite
  • Crying spells
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Restlessness
  • Itching
  • Muscle pain or spasms
  • Abdominal pain
  • Sweating
  • Seizures
  • Suicidal ideation

These symptoms commonly occur not only upon withdrawal but also in withdrawing from other substances such as alcohol. If you experience any of these, there is no need to panic.

However, it is always recommended that you partner with your physician as you take this process to avoid complications. If there are symptoms that bother you, don’t hesitate to let your doctor know.

How Long Can You Take Gabapentin for Nerve Pain?

Gabapentin AddictionOn average, most patients take this medication for one to two weeks to alleviate their nerve pains. Others take it longer depending on the intensity of the pain, and if there are other complications.

Be sure to abide by your doctor’s advice when medicating with this substance to avoid dependence and any dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

Has Anyone Died from Abusing Gabapentin?

Abusing this drug along with other substances, especially alcohol, contributed to 47.1% of fatality cases that led to death. The majority of these death cases found that other substances were used by the person while medicating with this drug.

If you have 1.1 to 134 mg/L of this drug in your body, your life will be at risk and can lead to death if not addressed immediately.

Can Gabapentin Cause Confusion?

This medicine is also used for treating chronic neuropathic pain or burning pain in your head. The pain shoots and goes off in a repeated manner, which is greatly discomforting to the person.

For a 30-day treatment, there were evident signs of confusion and dizziness. There are cases of hospitalization for adults and older people who are using this medication.

It can also cause hallucinations for patients, especially the elderly. This means medical supervision is needed when taking this drug.

How Long Does It Take To Get Off Gabapentin?

Several factors are affecting the duration of feeling the drug’s withdrawal effects. Typically, you will start feeling these symptoms minutes after your last intake, and it usually lasts for 12 hours to 10 days.

Some of these strong withdrawal symptoms are increased heartbeat, anxiety, sweating, and restlessness.

Is it dangerous to withdraw from using Gabapentin?

Gabapentin AddictionMultiple case studies have reported that people with a history of psychiatric or substance abuse problems are involved in Gabapentin withdrawal. If you have these risk factors, that is a cause of concern.

In the withdrawal process, symptoms of pre-existing conditions are most likely to recur. People with a history of bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression, and epilepsy are all at risk.

If you have these pre-existing conditions or even a complex substance withdrawal, then you should prepare yourself for withdrawal treatment in the hospital. This is advisable so that doctors could easily attend to you once certain complications arise.

What is the treatment for Gabapentin withdrawal?

Treatment for withdrawal effects must be planned beforehand. There are actually no existing medical protocols designed to manage the process. But it is always best to work hand in hand with your most trusted addiction specialist.

It is also important that you are aware and ready to face the possible symptoms that will occur in the process. Your readiness and willingness as you start your withdrawal are necessary or else, you might get back to taking the usual prescribed dose, and this will eventually prolong your dependence.

Tapering off is the usual thing to do upon withdrawal. Your doctor will slowly lower your dosage until you are capable of weaning from the medication.

How To Treat LSD Addiction

Treat LSD Addiction

Before you get treated for your LSD addiction, you need to fully accept your condition and the need for medical help on your recovery. Once you have a full grasp of that, then you can start reaching out to a doctor or addiction specialist regarding your condition.

There are a few ways to treat your substance use disorder, and that comprises medication, behavioral therapies, detoxification, and support groups. Let’s talk about that further in this read, so you can prepare yourself for your treatment program.

The Basic Four Stages of Treating LSD Addiction

It’s a fact that every individual has their respective recovery program from substance use disorder, yet here are the four basic phases for any treatment plan:

  • LSD AddictionConsultation
  • Detoxification
  • Medication
  • Behavioral therapies and counseling

Once you have completed your program, you will still undergo certain evaluations and assessments to see if you’re 100% ready to get back to society. If you have further questions, then you can ask that to your rehab treatment center or doctor.

Consultation and Creating A Personalized LSD Treatment Plan

Your doctor or addiction specialist will interview you and let you undergo certain tests to assess your level of LSD addiction. Here, you will undergo a series of examinations on your brain, body, behavior, emotion, and social communication skills.

Once the doctor gets the result, they will formulate a customized recovery program that will fit your needs. Afterward, they are going to discuss that with you in person, and tell you it’s the best fit for your sobriety.

They will also help you find ways on how to fund your treatment plan.

What If You Have A Dual Diagnosis?

LSD Addiction TreatmentDual diagnosis or co-occurring disorder is when you have another behavioral or mental disorder aside from your LSD addiction. This can be pre-existing or induced by the abuse of the substance such as substance-induced depression or anxiety.

If you are diagnosed with this condition, then they will give you a separate treatment to cure that co-occurring disorder. This is challenging but can be resolved well, as long as you religiously follow your treatment plan.

Detoxification Process

Detox simply means removing those toxic residues inside your body due to the abuse of the substance. Alongside, you need to abstain from using the hallucinogen, and that’s usually accompanied by painful withdrawal symptoms.

The pain or discomfort of these withdrawal symptoms greatly depends on how long you have been using this psychedelic drug. Here are some of the common withdrawal symptoms for LSD addiction:

  • Feeling severely sad
  • Anxiety
  • Sleeplessness
  • Intense insomnia
  • Agitation
  • General pain and discomfort in the body

There are times when the doctor will give you a prescription medicine that can ease the discomfort of the detoxification process.

What Is A Medically-Supervised Detox Program?

When the pain level of your withdrawal symptoms is life-threatening, then you will be advised to have a medically supervised detox plan. This means you will be inside the rehab center or hospital, and there will be a medical staff who will look after you around the clock.

They are doing this so that trained personnel can quickly help you when things go out of control, and the risk of these withdrawal signs is severe. For your loved ones, it gives them peace of mind, when you are on this comprehensive program.

Inpatient VS Outpatient LSD Treatment Plan

There are pros and cons to these two treatment care programs, and your doctor will help reach a sound decision. Let’s try to differentiate both and see each plan in a fair view.

For an inpatient rehab treatment, you will be inside the treatment facility with updated equipment and supplies. Luckily, most rehab centers today already adopted a homey ambiance, so you feel comfortable and safe.

In here, medical personnel will attend to your needs 24 hours, and 7 days a week. This means you are in good hands in case you have unexpected discomfort or any life-threatening signs.

The main setback of an inpatient treatment plan is price, and so you need to ask your insurance or healthcare provider if they can cover your treatment.

On the other hand, an outpatient treatment means you can still stay in your original house, but you have to religiously follow your medication and counseling sessions.

This program applies if you only have a mild to moderate level of LSD addiction. It’s also cheaper than inpatient, yet the main setback is that you’re exposed to various risk factors, which can lead to relapse.

Additionally, there’s also the partial hospitalization program (PHP) for LSD addiction. This is like a hybrid of the two since you can go to the hospital for your treatment and counseling, while still having the privilege to live in your original house.

Individual Behavioral Therapy

This is one-on-one counseling between you and your therapist. We understand that each person is unique, and you have specific problems in life, that are also linked to your substance use disorder.

Your therapist aims to help you fine-tune your mindset and behavior so that you can gradually live back on your normal life. Some of the topics discussed are employment, financial issues, marriage or relationship, emotion, and diet.

Oftentimes, the 12-step program is incorporated in this treatment plan so that you will have a systematic means of dealing with various problems.

Group Therapy

LSD Addiction TherapyIn group behavioral counseling, all members are given the chance to speak and share their experiences in life and their LSD addiction. They share their thoughts and experiences on how they slowly recover from this problem so that other members are inspired by them.

Family and Support Group Therapy

Besides getting the right medication and counseling, you will also need moral and emotional support, which you can get from your family and friends. They are your source of genuine love, which motivates you to finish your LSD addiction treatment plan.

When Do You Start Your LSD Addiction Treatment Program?

The best time to start your treatment is today. Ideally, you don’t delay your opportunity of recovering your normal and healthy life back. The more you let your LSD addiction linger, the greater will be its damage to your life and health.

When you see that window of opportunity to avail quality treatment, then grab that today. Ask advice from a doctor or addiction specialist near you.

Signs of Tequila Addiction

Tequila Addiction

Did you experience not having a day without a sip or shot of tequila? In that case, you can be addicted to it, and that’s the worst stage since it’ll be challenging for you to overcome this  condition.

Tequila is a distilled spirit having an alcohol concentration of 50% to 51%, that’s why three shots can truly give you that booze. If you binge drink every night, then there’s a huge risk for you to acquire tequila addiction.

Well, if you’re unsure of whether you are addicted to alcohol or not, then we’re going to talk about that here.

So What’s Tequila Addiction?

Tequila AddictionBasically, if you cannot live a day, or if you don’t feel fine without having a shot of tequila, then you are addicted to it. The signs of alcoholism can usually vary depending on how severe it is.

When you feel that you have an alcohol use disorder (AUD), then we recommend that you seek medical help from a doctor, an addiction specialist, or enroll in a rehab center for treatment.

What Are the Signs of Tequila Addiction

If you’re the one having this bad behavior, then it’ll be hard for you to notice it yourself since you’ll be in denial of it. However, your loved ones can see through you, and that’s why family intervention is important for your recovery.

Conversely, here are the common signs of tequila addiction:

#1 Drinking Longer Than Expected

When you’re addicted to alcohol, you cannot control your drinking patterns and consumption. You may have planned to just have three shots of tequila, yet you end up finishing the entire bottle of Patron. This is one evident sign that you’re addicted to alcohol.

#2 Several Failed Attempts of Quitting

How many times have you tried cutting back from your tequila shots but failed? If you’ve failed more than twice, then that’s a strong indicator that you’re addicted to tequila.

Basically, having a strong attraction to alcohol is one prominent sign for people suffering from alcohol use disorder (AUD).

#3 Never Misses A Day of Getting Drunk

Tequila AddictionFrom Mondays to Sundays, if you never miss a day that you’re not drunk or suffering from hangover, then you are suffering from tequila addiction or alcohol use disorder.

Tequila won’t give you a bad headache in the morning, yet if you drink a bad one, then you’ll surely suffer from a hangover. People diagnosed with alcoholism can never say “NO” to drinking since their mind and body is craving for it.

#4 You Can’t Take Alcohol Away from Your Head

Your addiction to tequila is deep-rooted already, so it’s very difficult for you not to think about consuming it daily. You will also recall the flavor of Patron, lime, and salt in your lips.

If you experience this, then definitely, you are having an addiction to tequila.

#5 Having Problems with Academics or Work

Alcohol addiction causes a shift from the normal, which means, your old good habits and disposition are disrupted. These negative changes in your behavior and thinking can cause conflicts in your work or school obligations since you’ll be prioritizing your drinking more.

#6 Broken Relationships

Even when you had a fight with your friend or loved one because of drinking, you still can’t stop it. When that happens, it means you’re addicted to tequila.

Alcoholism can motivate you to lie about your drinking patterns and your uncontrolled expense from purchasing bottles of tequila and other liquors.

#7 You Always Keep A Supply of Tequila

If you cannot resist a shot per day, then you’re most likely to keep a supply in your wine cellar or fridge. This provides you easy access to a shot or three with tequila, so you can get that booze you desire.

#8 You Stop From Your Daily Routine and Focus More on Drinking

Have you experienced stopping from your daily routine like picnic time with family, because you prioritize your weekend drinking sessions with your friends?

If you experience this, then you’re addicted to tequila or alcohol. It’ll be challenging for you to say “No” when your friends ask you out for a couple of shots in a nearby pub.

#9 You Continue Drinking Despite the Adverse Health Effects of Alcohol

Taking tequila shots can give you that euphoric feeling, which is addictive. The initial “high” effects of alcohol are temporary, and as it subsides, you’ll feel its depressing impacts.

Some drinkers, use other stimulants upon taking tequila shots, so they can lengthen their euphoric sensations.

#10 Feeling Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

When you’re addicted to tequila and then you suddenly stop drinking, you’ll surely get that withdrawal symptom. Some of the common withdrawal effects you’ll feel include sleeping problems, nausea, cold clammy skin, seizure, and insomnia.

#11 Being Secretive with Your Drinking Patterns

Most people with an alcohol use disorder will secretly keep their drinking habits since they don’t want to be judged. Likewise, they won’t be told to stop when their family doesn’t see them drinking.

#12 Lose of Personal Hygiene due to Alcoholism

Tequila AddictionIf you have an alcohol use disorder (AUD), then you’re more likely to take yourself for granted. You’ll lose your hygiene, so you’ll look old and weary.

Losing your good grooming skills is also one prominent sign that you’re having a tequila addiction.

#13 Having that Excuse of Taking Tequila Shots to Relax

Tequila and other distilled spirits are depressants, so they can relax your muscles and give you that momentary “highness”.

If you’ll be frequently taking tequila shots because you want to unwind, then you’re likely to be addicted to it.

Want To Overcome Your Tequila Addiction?

Recovering from your alcohol addiction is daunting, and you have a lesser chance of overcoming it alone. Your most cost-efficient option is to consult with a doctor or an addiction specialist.

They have the knowledge and experience to give you custom advice for treating your tequila addiction. Likewise, you need to address this problem using medication and counseling.

Combining both behavioral therapies and medication is most effective to help you achieve sobriety from tequila addiction.

What Has More Alcohol, Beer, or Wine?

Beer Addiction

Whether you’re having wine or beer on the weekend, you still need to be careful with your drinking habits. Well, it’s a must since there are already 16.3 million US adults suffering from alcohol use disorder (AUD).

Conversely, the time you get drunk will also depend on the alcohol by volume (ABV) content of your drinks. Generally, a drink with a higher ABV will get you that buzz quicker. So which one has more alcohol, wine, or beer?

Without a doubt, wine has a higher ABV than beer, where the former is 12% while the latter is 5% on average. Therefore, if all conditions are equal, a person drinking a glass of wine will get more drunk easily than the one having a beer.

What’s the Alcohol Content of Beers?

Beers are a highly versatile beverage among individuals since there’s a range of taste, aroma, color, and strength. On average, the alcohol by volume (ABV) content of beers is 5%, yet there are other beer types with higher ABVs reaching 13%.

Additionally, there are different kinds of beers and their strengths vary, so you can seamlessly choose which one to drink. Here are some it with their corresponding ABVs:

  • Stout: It’s a dark-colored beer with a strong flavor, which is produced from roasted malt or barley. You can also sense the hoppy flavor and scent of this strong beer. It has a 5% to 10% ABV, while Porter has 4%-5% ABV.
  • Brown Ale: This one has a lower alcohol content with a distinct sweet and nutty flavor. It appears brown or amber. It has an ABV of 4%-6%.
  • Lager: This German beer is very famous worldwide, specifically its Pale Lager. There are other types of lager known in the market such as Pilsner and Marzen. In terms of strength, lagers have an ABV of 4%-5%, whereas a Pilsner is 3%-6%.
  • Pale Ale: This light beer is made from warm fermentation and it has a hoppy flavor and aroma. On average, its ABV ranges from 6%-7%. Furthermore, its more popular version is the Indian Ale Pale (IPA).

What’s the Alcohol Content of Wines?

AlcoholismTypically, wines are served in social gatherings or corporate events, where its target customers are mostly women. If you attend these social events, you’ll usually have 5 fluid ounces of wine where its ABV is 12%.

On average, wine’s alcohol by volume content ranges from 5% to 23%, and it depends on what kind you’re having. Having said that, there are seven (7) types of wines in the market:

Red Wines

These wines are stronger than their white wine counterparts because of the higher sugar content of the grapes used during the fermentation process. Typically, the strength of red wine falls between 12% to 15%, where its average ABV is 13.5%.

White Wines

This wine has a lower alcohol content since it uses those less ripe grapes for fermentation. On average, its ABV is between 5% to 14%, where most of it is having 10% alcohol content.

Considering it has less alcohol, you’ll tend to consume more to get that buzz. Moreover, you’re actually taking in more calories since you’re having more glasses than those stronger wines.

Wine Coolers

If there are light beers, then you also have wine coolers, which have lighter strengths and a more fruity flavor. Typically, its ABV is 4%-6%, almost similar to the popular light beers everyone orders in the pub.

Port Wine Alcohol

If you have Stout for beers, then wines have their Port Wine drinks as their counterpart. Among the kinds of wines in the industry, this one is the strongest, where its ABV is 16% to 20%.

In terms of appearance, it has a dark red color and it’s pretty strong since it’s fortified with distilled grape spirits. Despite its strength, you’ll still feel its sweet and fruity scent and taste.

Sweet Wines

Sweet WinesThis wine type is similar to wine coolers and people love it because of its sweet and fruity flavor. The average alcohol content of sweet wines is lower than 10% ABV.

It has a lower alcohol content because most of its sugars are kept the same or not converted to alcohol during fermentation. Additionally, some of the popular sweet wines in the market are Sauvignon Blanc, Moscato, and Rieslings.

Rose Wine

If you want something in between red and white wine, then rose wine is what you’re looking for. Its ABV is around 12%, which is pretty much in the middle of red and white wines.

Cooking Wine

These wines are not intended for drinking, but we’re including them in the list. Their alcohol concentration ranges from 12% to 20% ABV, and they’re mainly used for cooking.

Is A Glass of Wine Stronger than a Beer?

Basically, wine is 50% stronger than beer, so a glass of wine will give you that buzz faster than three bottles of beer. Also, the average ABV of wine is 12%, while beer is just 5%.

Conversely, beer is a more flexible drink among Americans and other cultures, while wine is usually offered on formal or elegant occasions. Nonetheless, you have the freedom to have either drink on a summer day or a cold night.

Will Drinking A Bottle of Wine Every Night Make You An Alcoholic?

There’s no straightforward answer to this, yet we can recall the concept of standard drink and the ideal alcohol consumption that won’t go to binge drinking.

A standard drink is equivalent to five ounces of wine which has 12% ABV. Normally, a standard wine bottle is equivalent to five glasses of five ounce wine. If you’ll be finishing a bottle in less than two hours, then you’re binge drinking already.

Basically, if you’ll be finishing one bottle every night, you’re at risk of gaining alcohol dependence, which is the onset of alcohol use disorder (AUD).

If the time comes that you don’t feel normal without having a sip or glass of wine or beer, then you may already be an alcoholic.

Do You Want To Overcome Your Drinking Problems?

Overcoming your alcohol use disorder by yourself is never easy and safe since you can be biased and there’s no one to correct your wrong behavior.

Therefore, to make that worthwhile and effective, you need to talk to a doctor or addiction specialist regarding your alcoholism. These medical professionals will guide you in your personalized alcohol rehab treatment program.

What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Used For

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Compared to other psychotherapies, CBT is more focused on the present problem and finding strategies to solve it. Having said that, it doesn’t deal with anything in the past that could have contributed to the present mental illness of the patient.

Nevertheless, this therapy is greatly practiced in various parts of the globe and almost all rehab treatment centers in the United States. Generally, CBT aims to find a connection between your thoughts, emotions, and behavior in determining the cause of the mental problem.

Alongside this, let’s talk about some of the cognitive and behavioral disorders CBT can treat in the field.

CBT for Panic Disorders

Cognitive Behavioral TherapyIf you are diagnosed with a panic disorder, then you are susceptible to negative thoughts, which drastically lowers your self-confidence. Likewise, when you can no longer control your fear and unhealthy thinking, then you’ll have panic attacks.

Fortunately, your CBT therapist can help you manage the signs of panic disorders. Also, they will guide you in creating a positive coping system to prevent panic attacks.

CBT and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

If you have PTSD, then you have experienced a tragic event in the past and it constantly haunts you when you see a thing, event, news, or response that you can associate with that horrible experience.

Using CBT, the therapist will help you correct your distorted thoughts about that traumatic experience. You will work with your therapist in creating a positive means to cope with it.

Conversely, another approach can also be used, that is, desensitization. With this technique, you will be periodically exposed to the triggers of that hideous experience, while training yourself not to react negatively to it.

CBT and Generalized Anxiety Disorder

If you’re overly anxious about money, life, and almost all things in life, then you might be suffering from a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). There are even times when you tend to worry about things even though things are alright.

To resolve this mental disorder, CBT is the most appropriate choice and you can undergo four steps:

  1. Training to relax: Your therapist will help you relax your mind and muscle through various breathing exercises and meditation. When your body is relaxed, your mind will be at peace as well.
  2. Increasing Your Awareness: You’ll also be trained to be more aware of the present things around you. By doing this, you are narrowing your mind on the things you’re currently doing and never bother about the “what ifs” in life.
  3. Exposure: Your therapist will gradually expose you to your fears in life and teach you how to positively respond to them. As you’re frequently exposed, your tension and anxiety will slowly dose off and be replaced with a positive attitude.
  4. Analysis and Problem Solving: You will be trained in managing your stress and solving life problems.

CBT and Insomnia

Generally, CBT can treat your difficulty to fall asleep by identifying those beliefs and negative thoughts which stop you from sleeping.

Furthermore, you will undergo a structured CBT program in treating your insomnia. Below are some techniques used for this:

  • Cognitive Behavioral TherapyStimulus control therapy: This means you need to remove any factors that prevent you from sleeping. For instance, you will impose a strict bed and wake-up time, then avoid any naps so you’ll feel tired and quickly fall to sleep.
  • Avoid sleeping during the day: By doing this restriction, you are making your body tired enough, so you can seamlessly fall asleep.
  • Sleep Hygiene: You need to avoid eating or drinking things that can make it difficult for you to fall asleep. For instance, drinking coffee late in the afternoon or not having proper exercise.
  • Ensure a proper sleeping area: You can sleep quicker when you have a comfortable and clean mattress, blanket, and pillows. Alongside, avoid placing your gadgets or television near your master bedroom since it can distract you from sleeping.
  • Train your mind and body to relax, so it’s easier for you to fall in bed.
  • Let go of your anxiety that you cannot fall asleep since it’ll bother you the entire night.
  • Biofeedback: Your therapist will take note of your heart rate and breathing pattern since it’ll give a sign of whether you are relaxing or anxious. By giving you feedback on your body, then you’re more conscious of relaxing to induce sleep.

CBT and Social Phobia

In the United States, the incidence of social phobia is around 12% of the general population. If you’re part of the 12% then you have a higher risk of suffering from depression and anxiety disorder.

CBT is one of the proven therapies you can have for treating social anxiety disorder. Here are some techniques used in the process:

  • Evaluation: You will work out with your therapist in determining the triggers of your social phobia.
  • Cognitive Restructuring: Once you’re done identifying all your triggers, use a systematic approach in evaluating these distorted thoughts.
  • Increasing Awareness: You will work out with your therapist in elevating your consciousness for the present things around you.
  • Exposure and Gradual Desensitization: You will be exposed to various situational triggers, so you can practice not negatively reacting to them. Alongside, your therapist will help you create a positive coping mechanism.

CBT and Depression

Cognitive Behavioral TherapyDepression is severe sadness that is caused by different triggers like the death of a loved one, loss of jobs, broken relationships, and more. When you’re depressed, you’ll be filled with lots of negative feelings and thoughts, which can even provoke you to suicide or do unhealthy behaviors.

For you to resolve depression, you can undergo CBT sessions with a trusted therapist. This therapy will help you identify those factors causing your depression, and then rationalize its validity.

Finally, your therapist will help you create positive techniques for coping with these triggers.

CBT for Anger Control

Anger is a strong negative emotion that can temporarily put you in an insanity mood when uncontrolled. Luckily, CBT showed positive results in mitigating anger among hot heads.

Having said that, here is an outline of how CBT can help you manage your anger.

  • Your therapist will ask a few questions to find out the root cause of your anger.
  • Once all triggers and factors are identified, your therapist will help you choose an exercise that’ll help you control your anger.
  • You will undergo one or two sessions per week and it can last for one to four months depending on the severity of the problem.
  • Likewise, you’ll have exercises that’ll enhance your healthy communication skills even when you’re mad.

Preparing for CBT?

Talk To A Psychotherapist Today

It’s never easy to suffer from depression, anxiety, insomnia, or other mental problems. Nevertheless, you can always avail Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in solving these problems, and you can rely on its effectiveness.

Having said that, you need to ensure you are doing it with a licensed psychotherapist that has an experience with CBT. Moreover, ask your health insurance provider if they can finance your therapy and ask for a free estimate from any rehab center.

Being diagnosed with these mental disorders is never the end since you have an array of solutions to recover, and CBT is one of the best methods.

Treatments For Binge Drinking

Binge Drinking

Many people drink alcohol to unwind, socialize, or deal with stress. However, there are moments when it is difficult to tell that you are already binge drinking, and it becomes worse when it routinely happens. Before we proceed, let’s first recall the concept of binge drinking. Binge drinking happens when you drink and then your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) reaches 0.08 grams per deciliter.

Having said that, we are going to talk about the possible treatments of binge drinking. Therefore, continue reading to find out more about it, and don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor or addiction specialist to get sound advice or treatment.

How serious is binge drinking in the United States?

When you consume five straight drinks for men or four drinks for women within two hours, that can be considered as binge drinking. Considering the sedative effects of alcohol, it can seriously decrease your mobility, coordination, and response, which can lead to serious physical injuries and health illnesses in the long-term.

Here is some significant data regarding the status of binge drinking among Americans.

  • Approximately 17% of the adult binge drinks four times per month, where the average consumption is seven drinks. With that, for one binge drinker, he consumes around 467 drinks in a year.
  • The usual binge drinker in the U.S. is aged 35 years and older, whereas, 50% of the drinking population are aged 18 to 34 years.
  • 90% of the adults were found to binge drink during the previous month
  • Men are twice more likely to binge drink than women
  • In the U.S., there are around 17 million adults who are diagnosed with alcohol use disorder (AUD).

What are some medications used for treating binge drinking?

As of the moment, there are three FDA-approved medicines used for treating binge drinking and alcoholism – disulfiram, naltrexone, and acamprosate. These medications help in keeping you sober during and after undergoing alcohol rehab treatment. Likewise, always follow your doctor’s prescription in using these drugs to avoid complications and developing another substance dependence.


Binge DrinkingThis prescription drug will help you avoid consuming alcohol since it produces an adverse effect when you drink one. Most patients who have taken this drug vomit when they try drinking alcoholic beverages.

You will usually take this medicine once daily every morning or as prescribed by your doctor. Also, some of its common side effects include drowsiness, acne, and headache.


When you take this prescription drug it will prevent your body from feeling any pleasure or “high” upon drinking alcohol. Having said that, it will significantly help reduce your cravings for alcohol. Likewise, some brands of this drug include Depade and Revia.

In terms of dosage, it usually comes in 50, 100, and 150 mg where you need to orally ingest it. You will typically take this drug every two or three days, yet always follow your doctor’s prescription since it will be based on your condition and alcohol use disorder.

Furthermore, the common side effects of taking this medicine are anxiety, feeling tired, dizziness, headache, and nausea.


When you undergo detox from your alcohol consumption, it produces painful withdrawal symptoms, which can be severe or not depending on how intense is your alcohol use disorder.

Having said that, this prescription drug will help alleviate physical and emotional pains while your tapering from alcohol usage. Alongside this, you will experience minor side effects from this drug such as loss of appetite, stomach pain, nausea, and headache.

What are the best therapies for binge drinkers?

The medications you will receive for treating your alcoholism addresses the physical damages incurred from your unhealthy behavior. However, to ensure your long-term sobriety, we need to correct your bad behavior and unstable personality.

Here are some of the best therapies used that can help you achieve and maintain sobriety after finishing your treatment.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Binge DrinkingYou will work closely with your counselor or therapist for this process, where your goal is to identify those thoughts and emotions that push you to binge drink.  Once these are determined, your therapist will guide you in developing positive coping strategies to counter these triggers.

Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)

Your therapist will reinforce your motivation of recovering from your alcohol use disorder. With that, he will help you understand the benefits and setbacks from undergoing treatment for your binge drinking.

Furthermore, your therapist will help you craft a plan to efficiently overcome triggers that move you to drink. To ensure success, you need to religiously abide by your plan.

Family Therapy and Counseling

In this process, your family and loved ones will be part of your therapy since they are your good source of emotional strength for finishing treatment. By rebuilding your relationship and communication with them, you are more fired up to pursue recovery and maintain a sober life.

Brief Interventions

Binge DrinkingYou will have a limited-time one-on-one or group session with your therapist for this program. During your session, your therapist will give you feedback regarding your drinking patterns and treatment status. Alongside this, both of you will reassess your goals, and maybe create new ones that suit your current condition.

Moreover, your therapist will help you formulate plans to achieve your goals for treatment.

When do you need to seek treatment for binge drinking?

Parallel to other substance use disorders, you need to enroll in an alcohol rehab center as early as today to avoid worsening your condition. Having said that, you need to consult with a doctor or addiction specialist since they have the knowledge and experience for this scenario.

When you are enrolled in a legit rehab facility, they can help you get a customized treatment plan for your alcohol use disorder for a reasonable cost. We look forward to your early recovery, so consult with your nearest doctor today.

Advantages of Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient Rehab

There are two kinds of professional treatment for addictions: inpatient and outpatient rehab. For outpatient rehab, patients don’t have to stay inside a rehab center. Instead, they only have to go to treatment a few times in a week. This method is effective, and it has helped a lot of people formerly suffering from addictions to make full recoveries.

But outpatient rehab has its disadvantages. For one, patients are not fully monitored by recovery professionals. It’s much harder to make sure that patients are compliant with treatments. In turn, recovery might not be as successful and long lasting.

Inpatient rehab, in contrast, requires patients to stay in a facility for the entire duration of the rehab. Because they are confined to the facility, recovery can be better facilitated and more closely monitored. In turn, the process is usually more effective and patients see more success.

Curious why inpatient rehab is better? Here are some of its advantages.

1. Inpatient rehab isolates patients from the sources of their addictions.

Inpatient RehabPatients have to stay in the rehab center for between one month to six months, depending on the length of their treatment program. It’s like being confined to a hospital for a number of days, until the patient feels well.

This way, patients will not have access to the things they are addicted to. This is very important, as any temptation to use again will sabotage the recovery process.

Rehab centers are tightly controlled environments. They keep tabs on all of their residents. That means no one can bring drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or anything else that has addictive potential.

2. Patients have 24/7 medical and psychological help.

Inpatient RehabInside the rehab center are doctors, counselors, psychologists, and other mental health professionals. They are always at the ready to give help to patients whenever they need to. That way, patients are well-taken care of all the time. If any emergencies arise, they can get the attention they need promptly.

This is most useful in patients who are still in the stage of dealing with withdrawal symptoms. Some of those symptoms can be quite painful, and they might need medical help along the way. With medical personnel on standby and available at any time, managing these withdrawal symptoms would be much less unpleasant.

3. Patients are exposed to people who are also seeking recovery.

Patients are not alone when in a rehab center. They are in the company of others who have similar struggles with addictions. All of them have one goal, which is to gain control of their lives once again.

With this kind of company, patients can identify with each other and help one another in the recovery process. They would have a sense of belongingness, which also aids in restoring proper mental health.

4. Patients learn to adopt new lifestyles.

To successfully live addiction-free, patients have to develop new habits. The rehab center is an ideal environment for this lifestyle change. There, patients are exposed to new daily routines. For instance, they are trained to wake up and sleep at consistent times each day. Aside from that, meals and other activities are also put on a schedule. This would help patients develop new habits, overriding the unhealthy lifestyles fueled by addiction.

5. Rehab centers have recreation facilities

A lot of rehab centers offer spas, swimming pools, table tennis tables, basketball courts, libraries, and other such amenities. These serve to aid patients in developing new hobbies that are non-addictive. Also, activities like swimming and sports promote good physical as well as mental health, which also contributes in curbing patients’ addictions.

In some rehab centers, recreation is a regular part of patients’ daily routines. In other words, rehab is not boring at all. Patients are encouraged to have fun, too.

6. Patients can still talk to their families while inside the rehab center

Inpatient RehabFor a lot of patients, keeping in touch with their families is a huge deal. Being able to communicate with the people they trust the most with their lives is crucial to successful recoveries. It helps them avoid feeling isolated, which is often an addiction trigger. While they may be in the company of other patients and their therapists, family is quite a different thing. In the rehab center, everyone is a stranger. But when patients get to talk to family members, they would not feel lonely.

For this reason, inpatient rehab centers allow their patients to maintain lines of communication with their families.

The families of patients would also benefit a lot. Being able to know how their recovering loved ones are doing is certainly a big thing for them.

Some rehab centers even hold counseling sessions for family members. This way, the families can more easily process what’s going on with their loved ones in rehab. Also, they would be taught ways to help their loved ones make full recoveries.

7. Patients can focus on recovery

During inpatient rehab, all of the patients’ activities are geared towards helping them recover from addiction. The regular therapies would let them gain many insights, such as:

  • Identifying their addiction triggers
  • Avoiding situations that drive them to use addictive substances or participate in addictive behaviors
  • Emotions that make them vulnerable to addictive behavior
  • Root causes of their addictions
  • Techniques that let them avoid risky situations
  • Healthier ways to cope with stress and negative emotions

The recovery process tends to be long. But when patients are confined to a rehab center, the process is easier to manage. Patients are also a lot more focused than if they only go to therapy a few times a week. With that, recovery is often more successful for people going through inpatient rehab.

While a lot of people may not be comfortable with the idea of staying in a rehab center for months, one thing is certain: It works very well. Also, come to think of it, one to six months in an inpatient rehab is well worth a lifetime of being sober and mentally healthy.

Fentanyl Addiction in California


Addiction to fentanyl is rising in California, putting the state in another drug crisis. According to data from 2017, the number of deaths due to fentanyl and other synthetic opioids have doubled since the year before.

Let’s explore why this drug is causing this crisis in California and throughout the US.

What is fentanyl?

Fentanyl is an opioid drug used mainly to treat chronic pain, especially for patients who are recovering from surgery as well as cancer patients. When used as instructed, it is quite effective. But it’s typically created and sold illegally, which makes abuse very likely.

Fentanyl is also a remarkably potent medication, being 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. It is often combined with other illegal drugs too, such as cocaine and heroin, but users usually don’t know.

With that, they unknowingly put their lives in danger. When blended with other drugs, fentanyl is much more fatal.

What is illegal fentanyl called?

When sold on the streets, this drug goes by a few names. Here are some of them:

  • Murder 8
  • Apache
  • Tango and Cash
  • Goodfellas
  • China girl

What effects does fentanyl have on the body?

As with other opioids, fentanyl relieves pain, but it also generates relaxing and euphoric feelings. Alongside these are side effects such as nausea, confusion, dizziness, vomiting, and a condition known as respiratory depression. In other words, the drug can slow down users’ rates of breathing.

Because the drug is so powerful, users are at a higher risk of overdose, especially when fentanyl is blended with another drug.

What happens when users overdose on fentanyl?

The biggest danger is respiratory failure. If users take enough of the drug to slow down their breathing significantly, they could die from it. More so if they don’t seek medical help right away.

CaliforniaAlongside this, there are other signs of overdose as well. These include:

  • Weak muscles
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Feeling dizzy and confused
  • Slow heartbeat
  • Bluish lips and nails

It’s important for users who have these symptoms to call 911 immediately.

Why are there lots of deaths in California involving fentanyl?

Over the past years, fentanyl-related deaths in California have been constantly on the rise. Although the number of deaths is still smaller compared to other states, the constant increase is a worrying trend. In time, California’s fentanyl-related deaths may catch up to other East Coast states.

Here are a few reasons for this trend.

  1. Strength of fentanyl: Because this drug is really strong, users have a higher chance of overdose. Moreover, fentanyl is frequently mixed with other illegal drugs, making it even more dangerous. In fact, a lot of opioid-related deaths are because of the combinations of other substances.
  2. Availability: Illegal drug makers can easily cook up fentanyl in small basement labs. Other illegal drugs, like heroin, require more elaborate labs. Thus, because it’s easier to make, fentanyl is more readily available.
  3. Low cost: Also because of how easy it is to create fentanyl, the drug is a lot cheaper than other illicit opioids.

This combination of factors has led to more widespread use, more cases of addiction, and consequently, more deaths due to overdose.

What cities in California have lots of illegal fentanyl going around?

In 2017, authorities have seized illegal fentanyl nine times in California alone. Some of the cities affected include:

  • Riverside
  • San Francisco
  • Los Angeles
  • San Clemente
  • Pine Valley
  • Chula Vista
  • San Diego

Specifically, in June of that year, San Diego had two notable fentanyl seizures. In one operation, authorities confiscated as much as 14 million doses. The other seizure happened at the San Ysidro Port of Entry. Authorities found a large amount of illegal fentanyl inside a vehicle coming from Mexico.

Why do drug manufacturers mix fentanyl with other illicit drugs?

Fentanyl AddictionFentanyl has really potent and fast-acting effects, which other drugs do not have. Thus, illegal drug makers often combine fentanyl with more commonly-known drugs like Molly, cocaine, and heroin to boost their effects. Users like the more intense high too.

Also, fentanyl is less expensive than other substances. So, drug makers can make stronger drugs while reducing their costs. Users also like this because they can get cheap yet potent drugs.

But often, users don’t know that the drugs they take are laced with fentanyl. As they keep on taking those drugs, fentanyl accumulates in their bodies. They don’t have a clue that they’re already at high risk of overdosing.

What kind of help is available for those addicted to fentanyl in California?

Many communities across California are fighting the addiction outbreak through prevention and treatment procedures. Some of these methods include:

  • Fentanyl AddictionGreater accessibility to Naloxone, a life-saving medication. It reverses the effects of an overdose of fentanyl and other opioids. When given to overdose victims, Naloxone allows them to breathe normally again. But these effects don’t last long, so they still need to be rushed to the hospital for further treatment.
  • Fentanyl test strips can be used to discover if fentanyl is present in users’ bodies. This is quite useful in users who have taken other illicit drugs but are suffering from fentanyl abuse symptoms.
  • More access to rehab and addiction recovery options.
  • Education campaigns making people aware of the effects of fentanyl and the dangers of overdose.

What happens during rehab for fentanyl addiction?

During rehab, users often undergo detox. This would remove all traces of the drug from their bodies while managing withdrawal symptoms. They would also be guided throughout the process so they don’t relapse.

Users would also be given psychological therapies. These include things like cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational therapies, and one-on-one counseling. Rehab professionals may even involve users’ families. They would educate family members on how to support their recovering loved ones during the process.

Many recovery programs also include aftercare. This would ensure that recovering users stay drug-free even after they leave the rehab centers. That way, they will lead better, healthier lives for a long time.